rapid file

Start Your Corp Order Form

Please complete the form below to order a new business entity formation.

Step 1 of 2 - Company Information

  • New Business Formation Order Form

    You may use this form to start the incorporation process with the State of Florida and to file for a Federal Tax ID number (EIN). All Incorporations require a State Filing Fee which is included in our price. Our business specialist will contact you via phone upon receipt of this form. If you have any questions give us a call and we will be glad to assist you. Thank you.
  • Please be aware that the name you choose may already be taken. We will do a name search for you which is included in the price prior to filing your paperwork.
  • What best describes your business industry?
  • It is possible to choose a name that is identical to your choice and registered with the IRS. If you choose a name identical to one already in use, the IRS will allow it for Employer Identification Number assignment and issue you your own number under that same company name but different taxpayer. However, it may take up to 9 weeks for the IRS to process your request. if you choose a name already in use by another person/company. The IRS will verify that you are a different taxpayer and not applying for a new number under the same company name. We can not control processing times for state or federal filing.
  • Please list the name of the person submitting this application
  • Please choose the best time or Method for our Business Specialist to Contact You.
  • Paint a brief picture of how you visualize your company so that we may tailor your website & Logo package to fit your specific needs. If you are simply incorporating, you may skip this question.
  • All incorporations must have a Registered Agent on file. A registered agent is an individual or entity which has been designated by the company or organization to receive service of process notices, government correspondence and compliance-related documents on behalf of the company or organization. A Registered Agent MUST HAVE AN OFFICE IN THE STATE IN WHICH THEY ARE INCORPORATING and may be an owner, officer, member, director of the corporation or a hired Registered Agent agency.
    Name of Registered AgentAddress of Registered AgentPhone Number of Registered Agent 
  • Please type in the names, title, and addresses of all owners, directors, partners, members, or officers. This information will become part of the corporate record on file with the state. TO ADD MORE NAMES HIT THE PLUS BUTTON (+).
  • Select your business entity structure.